Educational Establishments Contract Cleaning

Our Educational Establishments contract cleaning services page. If you are looking for a commercial cleaning contractor then get in touch now on 02392 730 540

Educational Contract Cleaning Services

We provide contract cleaning services to a number of nurseries, schools, colleges and universities. We can provide a wide range of interior and exterior cleaning services and create a maintenance schedule that meets your cleaning needs.  We can provide a daily cleaning team and cleaning specification to meet your needs.

Where infection control is important we can ensure an annual deep clean is undertaken to reduce the risk of problems occurring. Many educational buildings have high traffic areas that need regular cleaning and maintenance to reduce costly expenditure on replacing or repairing the fixtures and fittings.

Speak to us now to tailor a package for your individual requirements.

Cleaning “Out of Hours”

We understand the specific constraints of cleaning when dealing with the educational timetable. As such we can work around your needs and conduct cleaning at a time that suits you.

If children will be on the premises then we ensure all of our professional cleaners are fully checked to the level you require.

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