Leisure Centres – Contract Cleaning for Gyms, pools, sports halls

Our Leisure Centre contract cleaning service for gyms, pools and sports halls. If you are looking for a commercial cleaning contractor then get in touch now on 02392 730 540

Leisure Centre Commercial Cleaning Contracting

Leisure centres can offer a very wide range of surfaces for cleaning. From communal carpet and walkways, to gyms and even wet rooms. By contracting their cleaning and maintenance to a professional company you can be sure of the best possible starting standards as often as you require.

We utilise the latest technology and products and can build a cleaning contract around your exact needs and budget.

First Impressions Count & Leisure Centres Have Various Cleaning Demands


By their nature your leisure centre will have a wide range of offerings each with their own special needs. The wrong surface treatment or product could leave a sports hall floor as slippery as an ice ring…

We understand this and will ensure that the correct products are used in the correct locations to ensure a maximum clean and the surface you want for that area!

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